To utilize Blitzz to its full potential, for your specific Use Case, this is where the sessions are defined. Every Setting allows your Agents to gather information according to the features enabled or defined with this setup. This is a critical set up step in your Blitzz usage and must be considered to achieve your goal for the Virtual Video Session. The good news is that you can define multiple Collaboration Profiles, assign your Users to more than one type (if needed) and have your Users select the appropriate one as part of starting the session.
For example, there might be one use case where you want the video camera to start automatically when the call connects and another use case where you want the end-user to activate the video camera.
NOTE: Only users with ADMIN status can see, create or modify Collaboration Profiles in the Settings area.
VIDEO: Details and helpful hints are found in this article. To view an example video on Configuring Collaboration Profiles go to Configuring Collaboration Profiles.
- Introduction
- Create New Collaboration Profiles
- Automatically adding new users to Collaboration Profiles (User Management)
- Gallery View (Grid view)
- Turn guest’s video ON when connected
- Video Call Quality Settings
- Mute all participants when connected
- Set speaker ON when connected
- Guest Invite SMS/Email Template
- Mobile Browser or App Download
- WhatsApp Invitation
- Smart glass Invitation
- Default Invitation Type
- Guest Location
- Call Recording
- Live Pointer
- Mark Up
- Chat
- Text Extract
- Screen Share
- Take Photo
- Zoom
- Remote flash (App Download Required for some devices)
- Bookmark
- Call End Page Redirection
- Add/Remove - Members or Departments to Collaboration Profiles
- Collaboration Profiles - Delete & Clone Options
Create New Collaboration Profiles
- Navigate to Settings, after logging in click on your name in the upper right to display a drop-down menu then select Settings.
- The Admin Configuration Panel is on the left, click the Collaboration Profiles icon.
- Click on the + icon to add a new Collaboration Profiles. A pop-out window will appear on the right side of your screen.
- Input the name or a title for the Collaboration Profiles.
- Input a summary description of what and who this Collaboration Profiles is designed to support.
- Click the Create button.
Automatically adding new users to Collaboration Profiles (User Management)
Enable this feature to automatically add new users to this collaboration profiles
By turning Automatically add new users to this collaboration profiles ON. This becomes a Default Collaboration Profiles for New Users when they are added to your domain. Remember the OFF option will not add this the Default Collaboration Profiles list.
NOTE: Users can belong to more than one Collaboration Profiles AND you can have multiple default Collaboration Profiles.
Gallery View (Grid view)
By enabling this view when you and your guest(s) connect your image and theirs will be displayed in a gallery view on all devices. Keep in mind that the host’s camera specified will be activated. You can switch cameras using the video and audio settings icon in the upper left of Blitzz session.
Turn guest’s video ON when connected
The Guest’s video will start immediately after connecting with the Agent, with this setting ON. Guests will not have to press Start Video to begin sharing their visual with this enabled. Actually a great idea so the Guest starts sharing their Camera instantly.
NOTE: The Guest will receive a prompt for access to their Camera and they must press ALLOW or no video is accessible for the session.
Video Quality Settings
This Collaboration Profiles setting allows you to make a choice if you know the location will have low signal strength or a strong signal. Most customers usually let Blitzz adapt to the situation and decide what option provides the most stable session.
Mute all participants when connected
Muting participants as they initially join the call may be counterintuitive, but the reason is simply in case there is sound feedback. The individual can unmute themselves or continue with the audio on another device. Some customers are on the phone with an Agent and join with another phone or tablet.
Set speaker ON when connected
In the previous option, the Guest was automatically muted, this choice turns ON the speaker when audio is unmuted. Remember the microphone/audio must be ALLOWED for this to work.
Guest Invite SMS/Email Template
Guest invite messages can be customized in the Guest Invite Message Settings section. These invites are SMS, WhatsApp (if activated) or email messages depending on the setup option defined. Only one template can be selected for each Collaboration Profiles. This really makes a difference with multi language Guests for example, you can have a template in English another in French.
Use the drop-down menu to select the available template.
Mobile Browser or App Download
There are multiple options to connect to a Guest. Blitzz is designed to run in a Browser without requiring the Guest to download an app. The mobile app allows for the flashlight to be turned on (although some Android device let you do this without the mobile app), share screens, poor network connection or user declines camera/microphone access. In some use cases Forcing an App download or using only the Mobile Browser makes sense.
WhatsApp Invitation
When this is turned ON, the Agent will see this as an option to send the Guest a WhatsApp message for an invite.
Smart glass Invitation
If you are planning on using smart glasses for a participant this option needs to be enabled so the appropriate controls are available for the Blitzz session user.
Default Invitation Type
When the Agent invites a Guest to a Blitzz ShowMe, they select which Collaboration Profiles, in the Reference (Invite Step 1), to use for their video session. The Default Invitation Type selected here is what is used. The Agent does have an option to use a different method in Invite Step 2.
NOTE: WhatsApp needs to be enabled for it to display as an option.
Guest Location
Guests can be asked for their location to be shared with the Blitzz session. The Guest will receive a prompt to ALLOW their location to be shared. The guests longitude and latitude will be put on media saved during the session along with a time and date stamp. There will also be a Google Map location image saved with the media.
NOTE: Some devices may block this option through OS settings. So, the Browser will need to have this option available to share.
Call Recording
Turning this option ON records the Blitzz session. The recordings can be found in the Session Details 20-30 minutes after the session. They are significantly bigger in size than taking photos. Check your Blitzz plan to see if the recording is available and keep this in mind for media storage.
Live Pointer
The Live Pointer tool allows a user in a Blitzz session to indicate what is important on the screen. When there is more than one user in the session the pointer is displayed in different colors so each user help focus on a certain aspect.
Mark Up
There are two options displayed here, but the first one activates Mark Up, so then you have the option to save the image that was displayed (this needs to be ON to save the image). Mark Up has tools for the user to draw on the image capture, place a rectangle around an area, enter text, place an arrow and/or mask sensitive information on the image. Once again each user will have a different color to signify that a different person is marking the image. Finally, the image can be saved, before exiting this toolset (as long as Save Image is ON).
There are two options displayed here, the first one activates Chat, then you have the option to save the chat history. Chat will be saved in .txt file format and can be downloaded similar to how Agents do this for Images, Recordings or Text Extract files.
Text Extract
Text Extract has three options displayed in this image, but this needs to be ON for Save Image and Auto-Save extracted Text to be displayed. This powerful tool uses recognition software to convert characters and display them in a separate box on the screen. For use cases requiring alphanumeric strings to be analyzed and displayed this is invaluable. Nice option to save the image and/or copy it to a clipboard to be placed in another application on the Agent’s device. The Auto-Save option saves the text in a .txt file format.
Screen Share
Enabling Screen Share allows an Agent to share their screen with a Guest and this a great way to review invoices, orders and plans for example.
Take Photo
When turned ON, photos can be taken and uploaded to a storage repository (Blitzz or your own).
NOTE: Remember the Guest must ALLOW access to their Camera for a picture to be taken.
Zoom tool can be used by all the participants on the Blitzz session when turned ON and displays the same 2X or 3X images for everyone to see. Yes all participants' displays are synchronized to show the zoom-in image.
Remote flash (App Download Required for some devices)
For certain use cases a Flashlight will be required to view an area, so turn this ON, if this is your requirement.
NOTE: This is available only on some supported Android devices, iOS devices do not support controlling the flashlight from Safari Browsers. Therefore some devices that will require the Blitzz ShowMe mobile app to turn on the flashlight.
Bookmarks are very useful for directed workflows or commonly taken photos. The image will have a timestamp as well as the bookmark label on each image. As with previous tools, first enable bookmarks to see the additional options.
Call End Page Redirection
Call End Page Redirection is where Surveys are activated for the Collaboration Profiles. This pull-down menu of all Call End Page Redirection options allows for the selection of the appropriate action. Remember these are setup under Personalize Call End Page. A different survey can be set up for a Guest and Agent. They can even end their Blitzz session completing the same Survey if that is what is defined.
Add/Remove - Members or Departments to Collaboration Profiles
NOTE: User can be added to multiple Collaboration Profiles. As an Admin you can define a Collaboration Profiles as a default and when manually adding user they will be assigned to the Collaboration Profile(s). You can also users to a Collaboration Profiles by individual members or by departments.
By individually adding users to a Collaboration Profiles, you can review and sort the members by Name, Email, Phone number and Role. If you select members than the Remove button is highlighted and by pressing it those users will be removed from the Collaboration Profiles.
Sometimes the entire Department needs to be added to a Collaboration Profiles. This option lets the Admin do this easily. In fact, removing an entire Department is as simple as removing a specific user.
Collaboration Profiles - Delete & Clone Options

On the upper right of the Collaboration Profiles are two important options not to be overlooked. If the Collaboration Profiles is no longer required you can press Delete and remove from your domain.
NOTE: Be careful, if you did not intend to delete the Collaboration Profiles you will need to recreate and Add Members.
If you want to create a new Collaboration Profiles with only one or two changes we recommend using the Clone option. Press Clone and a popup will inform you that all the settings will be duplicated and all members will also be part of the cloned Collaboration Profiles. After Cloning make sure to rename this experience.
NOTE: Remember cloning a Collaboration Profiles is useful for adding a new experience with a couple of changes and keeping the same Members.