There are multiple options to Add Users to Blitzz:
Manually Add Users
With an Email Address or User ID as Login ID
Upload File
Download and Fill out the spreadsheet attached at the end of this article. Blitzz will process this and add the users.
NOTE: Only users with ADMIN status can perform any of User Management functions in the Settings area.
User Management - Add User
Navigate to Settings, after logging in click on your name in the upper right to display a drop down menu then select Settings.
The Admin Configuration Panel is on the left, click User Management icon.
Click on the Add User button to add a new User. A pop out window will appear on the right side of your screen.
New User
Enter Information without Set Password
This method sends out an invitation to join Blitzz and sign in. This is a quick method as only an Email Address is entered along with selecting User Type and pressing Add User at the bottom of popup.
NOTE: The sent email with the link to setup Blitzz access will not expire. The only issue we have found is that people will forget to follow the link and complete activation. An Admin will then need to CANCEL the invite and add the user again.
User Type
This selection is critical as it defines what access the User has to Blitzz. The most commonly used:
Admin - Has access to Reporting and Admin Settings functions areas. They are a powerful person as they control access through Collaboration Profiles definition/deletion/assignment as well add/deactivate users with different privileges.
User (Internal) - Users can create and join a session.
Collaboration Profiles
If a Collaboration Profile has been labeled as Default then that Experience will be displayed here. In fact, more than one Collaboration Profile can be designated as Default and each one will be displayed. When the down arrow or “x” is pressed then a drop down of all Collaboration Profiles is displayed. You can select more than one to assign to this User.
NOTE: Users can belong to more than one Collaboration Profiles AND you can have multiple default Collaboration Profiles. There are multiple Collaboration Profiles articles available with more details on their set up.
Set Password - Off
The default setting is OFF and when you press Add User at the bottom right of this popup the user will be added and an email invite will be sent to the New User.
Enter Information with Set Password
When the Set Password is On the User has immediate access to Blitzz. You just need to share the password with them. The user can log in and then change their password.
NOTE: This is a Best Practices approach, especially before training as you can assign a common password and as you start training if they have not setup their account you can provide the common password. Remember Users can then go in and change their password.
Password and User Name
Enter Password information for the new User. When doing training this can be helpful for all the trainees to have the same password. Remember that they can change it after logging in. Enter the Users First and Last name as well.
NOTE: Passwords have the following requirements:
Add Another User Check Box
If you have multiple users to enter, please check the “Add Another User” box. This will keep the entries in place to add another User.
Add User
When pressing “Add User” you will get a confirmation that the user was added.
User Management - Adding by Excel file
As mentioned in the introduction, if you have many users to add you can fill out the Excel template file found below. You can upload your file to
NOTE: It can take up to 24 hours for new users to have access to Blitzz.